2007 Founded in

Alphy is an innovative biotechnology company focused on the research and development, manufacture and supply of high purity algae materials.

Founded in 2007, the first algae we commercialize is Haematococcus pluvialis which is rich in astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is famous for its’ natural property as strong anti-oxidant and its’ deep red color as natural functional pigment in food, nutraceutical and cosmetic industries. Now, Alphy become a global-leading supplier of natural algae astaxanthin and build partnerships with global clients.

2015 Founded in

Undertaking National Science Research

Since 2015, Alphy started undertaking the responsibility of national research and development of Haeamtococcus pluvialis and its’ applications through cooperating with experts and talents from Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Astaxanthin Accumulation

Initially, the Haematococcus is green algae with abundant chlorophyll in it’s cell living comfortably.

Then we change their living conditions and put them into uncomfortable environment.

They start to produce astaxanthin to protect themselves from strong sunlight.

Natural and Eco-friendly Way

Alphy astaxanthin is different from other sources in the market, not only in products, but in initial developing concepts. Our technology and R&D focus on utilizing natural light instead of artificial light. We understand the resources on the earth is limited. We must use as less artificial resources as possible to develop astaxanthin. It is our core value in production and direction of R&D. Replying on limited energy resources is not an option for us.


Message us


No.5 fayi Village, Ziwu Town, Chuxiong City, 
Yunnan Province, China 675014
Mobile +86 137-6403-7898
Tel:  +86 (0)878-6168626
Fax: +86 (0)878-6168626

Marketing and Sales

9F, Building F4, No.2880 Chuangxin Avenue, 
High-tech District, Hefei · China 230088
Direct: +86 137-6403-7898
Email:  connor.jin@alphy.com.cn

R&D, Processing

Biological Industrial Park, Development 
Zone, Chuxiong · China 675000
Tel:  +86 (0)878-6168626
Fax: +86 (0)878-6168626

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