Yunnan Sunlight
Yunnan, a province, is located in southwest part of China. It has long border next to Vietnam, Burma and Laos. 94% of its’ land is mountain. So the farming land is rare and valuable here. When God closes a door for you, he opens a window. The sunlight here is abundant and the daytime is longer than any other places in China. Moreover, the climate here is very stable in the whole year. So, agriculture activities can be conducted in four seasons. It produces and supplies an important portion of fruits, and vegetables for daily demand in China.

Spring City
Chuxiong is a local city. Where you can enjoy the most comfortable weather in the whole year without hot summer and cold winter. So people call it “spring city”. The temperature here is mostly around 22℃ -27℃ from January to December.
Strong light and proper temperature are key factors to induce astaxanthin in Haematococcus algae cell.
Long daytime and stable climate are closely related to the productivity and efficiency.
Barren Hills
Barren hills are useless in most of time. But if you can develop something on them, it is eco-friendly and meaningful, but also full of challenges. To utilize barren hills takes courage. The building cost is absolutely much more expensive than that in flat lands.
We all know that the resources on the earth are limited. Then we must creatively develop our production and reduce our dependence on artificial resources. A clean and green earth are the most important wealth that we can leave to our future generations of human being.
With awareness of importance of green development, it requests to invest in a right R&D direction with strong will.

Algae Base
The persistence of eco-friendly development value brings a lot of challenges in the very beginning. But our founder Mr. Zhang Yong and his team, finally found here after one year seeking places for algae cultivation. With all those supportive factors in nature, Alphy Biotech started here in 2007. The technical team had spent 4 years on commercial scale cultivation and contamination control. So, AstAlphy® astaxanthin become pretty hot in the market very quickly after we released our ingredients in 2011.
Saving Energy
In order to lessen our dependence on limited energy and make full use of sunlight in pursuit of sustainable development, our technical team creatively built tube photobioreactors on different altitudes. In this way, our utilization of natural light is more efficient in comparison with photobioreactors on flat ground. Moreover, it will use less electricity while collecting the red algae liquid due to potential energy from top to bottom. Even though it requested big investment initially, we stick to it because we think this is advanced and right way to do from perspective of long term and green earth.

No.5 fayi Village, Ziwu Town, Chuxiong City,
Yunnan Province, China 675014
Mobile +86 137-6403-7898
Tel: +86 (0)878-6168626
Fax: +86 (0)878-6168626
Marketing and Sales
9F, Building F4, No.2880 Chuangxin Avenue,
High-tech District, Hefei · China 230088
Direct: +86 137-6403-7898
Email: connor.jin@alphy.com.cn
R&D, Processing
Biological Industrial Park, Development
Zone, Chuxiong · China 675000
Tel: +86 (0)878-6168626
Fax: +86 (0)878-6168626